Discover our services
Security and Protection
FORCE 1 este in masura sa ofere un sistem de paza eficient, avand la baza dialogul permanent cu clienti.
Escort and Bodyguards
Discretie, profesionalism, corectitudine si flexibilitate.
Assets Transportation and Cash Vault Processing
Acest serviciu este operational la nivel national.
Monitoring and Intervention
Compatibilitate totala cu intreg spectrul de formate de comunicare.
Video Surveillance
Aceasta solutie contribuie la o mai buna securizare a obiectivelor.
Events Security
Evenimente publice sau private organizate de catre companii.
Installation and Maintenance of Security Systems
Consultanta gratuita in vederea configurarii sistemului de securitate
Our Clients
We recommend collaborating with FORCE 1 as an assets transportation provider, thanks to the quality of the offered services, because of their technical equipment and the adequate training of the specialized personnel, things that can only bring benefits to our company’ activity.
Cazacu Cristian - Responsabil Securitate Bancară
We really appreciate our collaboration, which is based on a high level of demand and efficiency in approaching our needs, even if it’s outside our contractual agreement . FORCE 1 always rises to the legal expectations in this domain, at Banca Transylvania standards.
Rares Radu Trifu - Director Adjunct Operațiuni